“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up” (Proverbs 12:25, NIV).

Peace to you, and welcome to the Peace Room. There is plenty in life to rob us of our peace. However, God transcends the troubles and issues we face in life. You can live in peace despite the storms of life. Grab a chair, settle in, relax and spend some time here in the Peace Room. It is my prayer that here you will find the εἰρήνη peace of Christ. Please feel free to use the tools provided (such as the Scripture lookups at the right from Blue Letter Bible and Bible Gateway.com).

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Reasonable Faith

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" - Luke 12:25 (NIV)

Worry is the product of skewed reasoning. It is the mind's attempt to figure out how to fix perceived problems by mulling the issue over and over and over. It is the brain attempting to rationalize irrational situations. In truth, worry simply compounds our problems and makes the situation even more irrational.

Instead of trying to reason out the problem through worry, reason through this: Jesus tells us not to worry.


Giving up on worry requires trust. And trust isn't always easy - especially when all we see is trouble. So let's reason through this...

"Do not worry." Jesus isn't making a suggestion. He's commanding us: do not worry. The fact of the matter is, when we worry, we do not have all the facts of the matter. We don't know the future - next year, next week or the next five minutes.

But God does.

This is the same God Who loves us. The same God Who promises to never leave us. The same God Who the Psalmist describes as "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble," leading him to conclude, "Therefore we will not fear." "The LORD Almighty is with us" (Psalm 46:1-2, 7, NIV).

God doesn't lie, for God is truth (John 3:33). We can trust Him - take Him at His Word. And God's Word says, "Do not worry."

We can see our circumstances. What we often can't see - frankly, don't need to see - is how we will get through our troubles. That's where faith comes in. Give all your cares to God and trust Him with the results. Worry is a burden we were never intended to carry, for faith. mercy and grace are gifts from God Who we can place our whole trust in.

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