“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up” (Proverbs 12:25, NIV).

Peace to you, and welcome to the Peace Room. There is plenty in life to rob us of our peace. However, God transcends the troubles and issues we face in life. You can live in peace despite the storms of life. Grab a chair, settle in, relax and spend some time here in the Peace Room. It is my prayer that here you will find the εἰρήνη peace of Christ. Please feel free to use the tools provided (such as the Scripture lookups at the right from Blue Letter Bible and Bible Gateway.com).

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jesus Is a Realist (or What Kind of Promise is That?!)

Text: John 16:33

They are words that believers often don't want to hear: "In this world, you will have trouble." We would much rather believe that, once we become Christians, all our problems will magically cease. Nothing but sunshine and daisies and kumbaya, my Lord.

As I'm sure you've already figured out, that isn't exactly the case. And we shouldn't expect it to be. God never promised us easy circumstances. But He did promise something far better.

We can still have peace, even as the storms of life rage around us. Jesus warns us of troubles ahead but gives us a promise we can latch onto with all our might: "Take heart! I have overcome the world."

None of us is going to surprise God. Never can anyone go to the Lord with a problem and expect His response to be, "Hmmm... that's a new one. Never heard this before!" The Lord is bigger than any trouble we face. He is bigger than our disappointments and hurts, bigger than our anxieties and fears, bigger than any circumstance that darkens our lives.

The reality of our situation is that Christianity does not promise us better life circumstances than for those who do not believe in Jesus. What we do have is the promise of the Lord to see us through the hardships of life - a promise so great that any problem should shrink in its presence.

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